My Lead Company–An In-Depth Review


Name:  My Lead Company                                                                      


Price: Varies–depends on # of leads purchased

Owner: J.R.  Jackson, Founder/CEO


For those of you who are in the network marketing/affiliate marketing business, or even a brick and mortar business, you need leads that convert to sales in order for that business to be successful. While the jury is still out on whether or not it is better to buy targeted leads, I will assume for the purposes of this post that you are interested in buying targeted leads. The purpose of this post is to inform you about one such company that I currently use called My Lead Company.  Continue reading


Wealthy Affiliate: Scam or Not–My Honest Opinion


Could This Be You?

  1. You are searching the internet, looking for an opportunity where you can earn extra income online, or perhaps start a new online business. However, you have no clue as to how to get started and need some help.
  2. You are either already involved in network marketing , or have an online business but you want to take it to the next level.
  3. You have been victimized one or more times by network marketing scammers who promise you fame and fortune overnight, but just take your money and leave you with even less than what you had before.


Hello, my name is Deidre. About 5 years ago, I decided to look into making money online because I had been downsized from my job which I had for 19 years. I quickly found out that the internet is full of online business money-making opportunities; most if not all of them promise that you will make all the money you need in order to live your dream life. So, I was a real “eager beaver”. I just jumped into the first business opportunity I saw online that I thought would make me wealthy. Weeks, sometimes months later, I found myself more in debt and more frustrated because I got scammed–I had paid for ebooks, ecourses, and coaching programs that did nothing for me. I was very discouraged at times. However, I never lost sight of the fact that people actually do make money online with affiliate marketing, and I wanted to become one them. I knew I needed help in achieving this goal, so I did some more research, and came upon Wealthy Affiliate.    
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